Universiteti i Mjekësisë, Tiranë informon kandidatët e interesuar se në kuadër të Programit “Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action H2020-MSCA-funded Innovative Training Network EN-ACTI2NG” është hapur thirrja për bursa për 10 kërkues shkencorë (phd) (early stage researcher (phd) fellowships) në kuadër të Rrjetit Evropian të përmirësimit të imuno-terapisë kundër kancerit me anë të modifikimit të bashkëveprimit të CAR dhe TCR dhe gjeometrisë në shkallë nano (Call for 10 Early Stage Researcher (PhD) fellowships within the “European Network on Anti-Cancer Immuno-Therapy Improvement by modification of CAR and TCR Interactions and Nanoscale Geometry).
Programi Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions, i cili financohet nga Komisioni Europian ofron: Doktoratura, Post Doktoratura, Financime për Projekte Kërkimore, Grante të ndryshme dhe rrit mobilitetin e kërkuesve shkencor nëpër vendet e BE-së.
Shqipëria fal tarifës që paguan Qeveria Shqiptare, i jep të drejtë të gjithë kërkuesve shkencor vendas të aplikojnë pa detyrime financiare tek ky program.
Si më poshtë do të gjeni informacionin e detajuar :
The H2020-MSCA-funded Innovative Training Network EN-ACTI2NG(www.enacti2ng-itn.eu) builds on recent clinical evidence that T cells expressing engineered tumor-specific immune receptors can eradicate tumors that do not respond to conventional treatment. This important therapeutic approach is in a very early phase of development and requires a well-trained workforce to address challenges such as development of tumor-specific receptors for a wider array of tumors, improvement in efficiency of these receptors, better on/off-target toxicity safety profiles and more efficient transfer of basic research findings to the clinic.
– to train early stage students with expertise in development of new and improved T cell-mediated tumor immunotherapies
– to teach them to facilitate communication between stakeholders (scientists, clinicians, industry, patients and the general public)
– to improve T cell-mediated tumor immunotherapy by the development of new tumor-specific immune receptors and enhancing their function by identifying and modifying their molecular mechanism of action.
The aims will be reached via 10 individual research projects that rely on the complementary expertise of the participating groups. Training in research-specific skills, career development and communication will also be offered.
Selection process
Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the individual group leaders before submitting their applications (see our website www.enacti2ng-itn.eu for contact details). Applications have to include a CV (no gap time will be allowed in order to verify fulfillment of the mobility and 3 year rules), including a valid e-mail address and telephone number, a copy of valid passport or identity card, a copy of university degree and master or equivalent degree (or statement by program director indicating the date of award of the degree), a transcript of academic grades (including an explanation of the grading system), a letter of motivation, one or more recommendation letters and a list of the 3 projects they are most interested in, listing the project numbers and titles in order of preference. These documents should be sent in a single pdf file to the consortium’s e-mail address(enacti2ng@cbm.csic.es) mentioning in the subject line: EN-ACTI2NG application and the numbers of the 3 projects in preferred order (e.g, “EN-ACTI2NG application PhD5, PhD8, PhD2”). After a first check of fulfillment of the EU-mandated eligibility criteria and requested documentation, CVs will be forwarded to the group leaders. Group leaders will contact the best 3 applicants for each position for an interview via Skype and/or will invite them for an interview. You may be contacted by various group leaders.
Fushat e pjesëmarrjes janë të publikuara në linkun e mëposhtëm:
- Shkenca biologjike
- Kimi
- Inxhinieri> inxhinieri Bio-materiale
- Inxhinieri> Inxhinieri Bio-mjekësore
- Shkenca mjekësore
- Fizikë> Bio-fizikë
- Fizikë> Optikë
Afati i fundit për aplikim është data: 01/05/2017 (ora 23:00).
Për informacione të mëtejshme, lutemi të konsultoni faqen zyrtare të informacionit: