Mundësi Aplikimi në Thirrjen e Hapur për Studentë Doktorate nga Instituti Gulbenkian i Ciencias, Oeiras, në Portugali
Universiteti i Mjekësisë, Tiranë informon kandidatët e interesuar se Instituti Gulbenkian i Ciencias, Oeiras, në Portugali, ka hapur thirrjen për studentë doktorate “Call for PhD students” në fushat e biologjisë dhe biomjekësisë.
Si më poshtë do të gjeni informacionin e detajuar :
Applications for the 2018 class of the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência (IGC) PhD programme in Integrative Biology and Biomedicine are open until March 15th.
The programme normally accepts 8 to 12 students each year. Selected students receive full tuition and stipend support for up to 48 months.
To apply:
Applications are made exclusively through an online platform
Applications should be submitted only in English.
Applicants need to provide the following elements:
1- List of degrees with their respective names, granting institutions and classification,
2- Motivation letter
3- Names, contacts and description of academic/professional tie to the candidate of, at least, 2 references. These will be contacted directly by the programme to provide their letters of reference.
A panel of no less than five IGC Principal Investigators reviews all applications using the elements provided by the applicant and the letters of reference. In a first round of selection, candidates will be ranked and accordingly invited or not for an interview.
The criteria for this ranking will be:
1- Strength of the academic, scientific and professional (if applicable) CV (40%)
2- Motivation letter (40%)
3- Letters of reference (20%)
Because of the high number of applicants, less than one third of candidates are selected for interview. All interviews are in English, and are conducted by a panel of four Institute researchers and the PhD programme Director. Foreign candidates, or those not currently living in Portugal, will be interviewed by Skype (preferentially) or phone, or may be invited to visit the IGC.
The interviewed candidates will be re-ranked taking into account:
1- Mark from previous round of ranking (50%)
2- Interview (50%)
Candidates of any nationality may apply, and there are no age restrictions. We do require a Master’s degree from candidates applying from countries within the Bologna agreement region, or those with similar undergraduate programs (3 year programs).
Candidates from a Bologna agreement country who received their degree prior to the implementation of the agreement are normally eligible, and should contact the office of the PhD programme for information on their specific case. If you are applying from a country with a 4 or 5-year university degree program, you are also eligible. The necessary degrees listed above do not have to be completed at the time of the application but will have to be concluded before the beginning of classes. If accepted, students must provide proof of completion of the necessary degrees (see above) before August of the application year.
Candidate profile:
We seek highly motivated students, with total commitment to the pursuit of answers to original questions in a multidisciplinary environment. The IGC PhD Programme welcomes applications from candidates with university degrees in any field, including those outside the life sciences.
Research at the IGC (In House Groups) revolves around four main axes: Evolutionary Biology, Quantitative Biology, Integrative Cell and Developmental Biology and Immunobiology. The broad-scoped nature of the IGC research programme favours original approaches to outstanding biological questions that promote bridges across different disciplines and methodologies.
In this light, the PhD Programme welcomes applications from applicants with strong quantitative backgrounds, such as Physics and Mathematics, Engineering, Statistics and Computer Sciences. Obviously, this by no means limits the Programme´s interest in applications from Medical Doctors, Biologists, Biochemists, and all life sciences fields.
Available labs:
Not all labs at the IGC will be necessarily taking new students every year. For the year 2018 it is expected that the vast majority (>80%) of laboratories will be accepting new PhD students.
Afati i fundit për aplikim është data: Deadline: 15 mars 2017.
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